The best eel bowl as popular culture in Kyoto.

If you visit Kyoto, you should go to Kyogoku Kaneyo.

There are many eel restaurnant in Kyoto, but Kyogoku Kaneyo is a long-established store that has been in business for over 100 years.  This restaurant, which has been used carefully since its establishment, quietly tells the depth of history.

“3 years of skewering, 8 years of cutting, and the life of grilling”
An eel baked by craftsmen who have been trained over a long period of time, and a secret sauce that has been protected for 100 years. “Kinshi-don” is a specialty of Kaneyo, which is a baked eel bowl with Kyoto-style omelet. It is too delicious for words.

And, monthly vaudeville show are also held in order to keep Kyoto style entertainment. Kaneyo is one of the few restaurant that conveys Kyoto’s popular culture to the present.

Kyogoku Kaneyo




「串打ち三年 割き八年 焼き一生」という言葉があるほど、長い時間をかけて修練を積んだ職人が焼く鰻に、100年間注ぎ足されている秘伝のタレ。ふっくらと焼き上げた京風の玉子焼きを鰻丼の上にのせた「きんし丼」は、かねよの名物です。それは筆舌に尽くし難いほどの美味しさです。
