All We Know About Japanese Zines

These are small scale, independently published zines. They are impossible to fully archive, for they diversely cover genres including thoughts and ideas, literature, manga, anime, music, and art. However, this book succeeds in collecting Japanese zines without regard to era or genre, as possible, and coherently introducing the history of zines in Japan.

Aside from introductions for each zine, it also contains precious interviews with people connected to zines, such as sociologists, buyers, collectors, authors, editors, and printers.According to this book, a zine is defined as, “media that does not rely on large powers such as funding and authority, and which realizes the transmission of information by an individual.”

In an era where any amount of information can be shared via the internet, zines are beginning to take on new meaning as a completed object, and as a means of expression that can only expand.


